1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 Supercharged from North America


Long lasting


I own a 98' Grand Prix GTP, and I wrecked it a couple months ago, and just got it fixed and the car ran fine and everything, but I lost my keys to the car and had to go to the dealership to get a new key cut by VIN (I got the first key from there by VIN as well).

However the key only worked on the doors, not the ignition, it will not turn over as if it is the wrong key. I went back to the dealership, I had them make me another one, and still the same problem.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 12th August, 2008

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 3.8 from North America


Great reliable vehicle


Has been a very reliable car.

Both headlight lens fell off, and I had to replace the whole assembly (expensive).

In ten years I have owned it, the only other issues (besides regular service) were power window switches (driver door) needed to be replaced, and the gear shift locked (major headache).

One of the most fun cars to drive with the heads up display, and the handling is still excellent. I actually anticipated many more problems (knock on wood). Ten years old and still going strong

General Comments:

Great car - Why buy foreign cars when you can get an excellent American made vehicle.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 15th October, 2007

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 3.8 from North America


A true 4 door sports car!


Water pump went on previous owner at 80k miles. Having problems with wheel bearings and trans. currently.

General Comments:

The car is all in all awesome. Just don't understand why Pontiac would design there wheel bearings the way they do. $500 per wheel. Have to replace entire sealed wheel hub assembly instead of the $25 part in it which is bad. Also trans is starting to hesitate a bit when accelerating up hills while in overdrive. Gonna try a full tune up first. Also needs shocks. For a 6 year old car, I really can't complain. Considering I only paid $2500 for it.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 28th March, 2004

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8 Series II from North America


The Grand Prix, with all of its standard features, is one fantastic steal for the money


Trans-axle went within 1,000.00 mile re-manufactured replacement still going strong.

Plenum has been replaced twice.

Rack and pinion recalled and repaired.

Rack leaked later (conveniently out of warranty) out of pocket $1,000.00.

Driver side rear power window regulator and motor broke at 30,000.

AC/Heater Blower replaced at 95,000.

General Comments:

This car has enough classic looks to make it a collector’s item.

After 100,000 miles my GT performs like the very the day I drove it off the lot.

Cloth seats and interior show little signs of wear.

I liked it so much the we also bought the 2002 GT version.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 7th May, 2006

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT from North America


Nice driving car, rotten paint processes


Excessive debris under the paint, paint flaked off, dash came apart - pin stripping pieced together. Dealer tried buffing out the debris now I have buff burns and scrathes all over my car. Their solution made it worse.

General Comments:

I was told by a Pontiac rep that they do not paint to showroom quality, that I was being too picky and I should get the hood repainted for the 3rd time and live with the other defects because no one but me would ever see them. It is sad that quality and appearance is not an important issue with Pontiac.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 2nd August, 2000

28th Jan 2001, 22:59

I own a Grand Prix GT that is the forest green. Everybody that has seen my car loves the color and the quality of the paint. You might have got a bad apple, but don't please don't criticize the Grand Prix. In my opinion they are the best cars for the buck.

There are always factory defects to a certain point. I do agree with the customer service aspect, Pontiac didn't treat me very good either, that's why I custom ordered mine through a Fleet Lease company.

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8L from North America


The Grand Prix GTP has proved to be my dream car


Fogged headlights.. were like that when I got it.

248500 miles.. tranny went out (3rd gear).

Water pump.. cheap fix.

That's all.

General Comments:

I absolutely LOVE it.

It has been my dream car since I was 12.

I am 17 and it's my summer car..

My dad, boyfriend and I have all worked on it..

Some rust. We fixed the rust with great stuff under the side skirts.

I wouldn't trade this car for anything except maybe a jacked up '98 Silverado. It has been very dependable.

If you service your car right, then it will treat you right.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 19th October, 2010

20th Oct 2010, 08:15

They make a polish for the headlights. It'll make them look like new again, and it'll be safer driving at night.