1998 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 3.8 from North America


This GP has been very reliable for us


Alternator replaced at 65K miles.

No major items replaced other than normal maintenance, brakes, oil changes service cooling, battery, etc.

General Comments:

We purchased it as a dealer demo. The car came as a loaded SE model. I like the power of the 3.8 L motor, very smooth. The car isn't the best riding model, but it handles great. Although I'm not canyon carving every day on my way to work and home.

I'm aware that there are more powerful motors and extravagant creature comforts offered today, but for 1998 this is/was a great car to drive and own.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 10th August, 2005

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP from North America


Love the car, however, it's very expensive to maintain


My brakes have went out while I was driving the car.

The misaligned headlights & tail lights have collected moisture.

The sway bar broke & had to be replaced.

There was a crack in the exhaust manifold.

I've had to replace the whole exhaust system.

My radio display only works sometimes.

The volume control on the radio does not work.

The heat stays on in the car at all times.

General Comments:

It's very difficult to keep up on the maintenance, as an 18 year old female with a minimum wage job.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 27th August, 2010

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8 series 2 from North America


A great family sport sedan


I need to replace my rear main oil seal and front main seal also.

I just had to replace mt transmission seal at a cost of $106.00.

My driver seat is worn, but the comfort is still better then my mustang.

I also need to replace my shocks.

General Comments:

I love my car, there is no replacing this vehicle.

The performance is still top notch for the high miles!

For the price this IS a bargain! I would buy another!

Love the styling of this car, its just great.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 22nd January, 2004

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 Superchrarged from North America


Not bad for the money


I've only had the car for a month and I have put new stereo, hubs, motor mounts, headlight assemblies, struts and strut bearings.

Still needs valve cover gaskets... leaks pretty bad.

General Comments:

For all the miles it has, the car has held up pretty well considering it probably was not babied its whole life.

Leather is in great shape with no cracks.

I just raced a new BMW 325ci and spanked it good.

Has too much torque for front wheel drive.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 27th October, 2004

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 supercharged V6 from North America


Its like a rocket on wheels!


Supercharger idler pulley froze up.

Passenger window motor went out.

General Comments:

I love the cars handling and it has amazing acceleration.

The interior has a ton of room and very aggressive styling.

Overall this is one of the best cars that I have ever owned and I am extremely pleased with it.

I have owned several different brands and models of cars in the past and this one is by far the most exciting car to own and drive.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 11th April, 2005

6th May 2005, 07:29

I was just wondering how does it perform on the highway? Does it get up and pass or do you need a far bit of clear road? Also does it ride good over bumps or is harse? Thank for any comments.

29th Aug 2005, 23:39

I had the same problem with the supercharger idler pulley. Quick and cheap fix though.

The power through 1st gear is incredible - highway acceleration isn't as great, but it's definately better than 70% of the cars out there. You won't be dissapointed.

17th Nov 2005, 16:10

How does it perform on the highway? It's amazing! I love my GTP so much. As far as needing room to pass - I always say the thing I love most is it has such incredible power that you can go sideways if you have to. Can't say enough about it.

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 3.8L from North America


Great car


Head gasket had a slight leak at 102,000.

Serpentine belt had to be replaced at 65,000.

The power seat driver motor was replace twice.

The front power windows have been replaced once.

The wiring for the SRS was replaced.

General Comments:

It get great gas mileage, 29 city 32 to 35 highway. It handles well, runs great and I truly like this car, it had the least amount of trouble than any car I had previously owned.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 29th May, 2009