1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8L from North America
I have had the driver-side Power window switch replaced at 60,000.warranty.
Pulley for Serpentine belt replaced.
Water Pump at 79K.warranty.
Rack & pinion factory recall.
Both Headlight Caps replaced.
CD/radio clock: display has gone out. Fade to black.
General Comments:
I think the car is decent even with the problems. No car is perfect. And it handles well, nice power. Good looker.
I was afraid of American made cars. Last car 1992 Camry over 300,000 miles.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know
Review Date: 5th November, 2003
20th Dec 2007, 16:22
I completely agree with this posting I bought my 98 grand prix with 130,000 miles on it and it currently has 142,000 miles. I'm completely satisfied with this car and would recommend the purchase of a pontiac, as the cars are great and mines had no major problems.