1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP from North America


I purchased this car in June of 2006

When I bought the car it was great nice paint job, affordable, comfortable until I started having problems with the transmission. I hade only hade the car 2 months before I started having problems with it. I love the car because it is sporty and fun to drive.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 23rd April, 2007

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP turbo from North America


Great fun car!


I have salt and road corrosion leaching up through the frame of the car where the seat belts are attached. The salt is all over the seat belts in the back seat. The dealership stated the welds must have separated. Has anyone else had this problem?

Other than this happening, it has been a great car!!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 4th May, 2001

5th May 2001, 15:21

Yes, I have had the same problem with salt on the rear seat belts.

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 super charger from North America


A medium to high performance zipper


The supercharger belt just came off one day - didn't break. Had that adjusted and replaced. Other than that, it has been an outstanding buy.

General Comments:

The GTP will flat out fly. Raced a buddy on stock night at the drag strip - he has a Mustang Bullett - smoked him.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 21st March, 2004

14th Nov 2006, 11:14

0-60 times don't play into it nearly as much as you might think buddy. Just because a car can get the drop on another car off the line (not talking specifics here), doesn't mean the "slower" car can't play catch up and win. And yes, driver error accounts for at least 50% of losses, probably more. Especially with a rear-wheel drive car like a mustang.

That being said, I'm a GTP owner. Yes, they are fast. Yes, they can beat many a mustang, and with mods they can take on MUCH more challenging cars. I'm not obsessed with beating mustangs - hell, I don't even race more than once or twice a year. But, mustangs aren't nearly as "quick" as thier owners would care to believe. The same could be said about GTPs I suppose, or any other car for that matter, but 0-60 times really don't seal the deal. There are alot of other factors that play into it, and the fact is that mustang GTs really just aren't that fast. Hate to break it to you. They aren't slow by any stretch, but they aren't then end-all be-all of speed.

23rd Jan 2007, 12:36

Both being stock, a GTP will drop a bomb on a GT Mustang 99-05, and would probably lose a close contest with a bullet.

7th Apr 2007, 23:36

Spend 30 dollar's on a smaller supercharge pulley and new belt, and well sorry mustang.

16th Aug 2007, 13:39

Have you been on Myspace? With the right upgrades, I've seen a GTP walk all over a Dodge Viper so I'm sure a GTP can outrun a Mustang all day long.

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8L. from North America


Awesome car, great handling. 231,200 miles!!!


Rear crankshaft seal problems. Now overheating.

General Comments:

This is an awesome car, I kind of goofed and left my review as a comment in someone else's review, pleas see "Grand Prix GTP North America's 334 word review with 47 comments". I left a comment on 8/1/2007.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 2nd August, 2007

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 2 Door 6 cylinder from North America


Drives nice with many other mechanical problems


The car's windows shake.

The clock/CD/FM/AM digital display is scrambled 33% of the time.

At 28,000 miles the car dies when it is idle in park or at a red light.

The RPM tach dies when driving and the Trac light comes on.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 18th October, 2001

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 supercharged from North America




Nothing yet, but the transmission may be starting to slip.

General Comments:

Awesome car and amazing to drive. Just remember supercharger oil should be topped off at every oil changed. Most people don't do this, which is why they burn up the supercharger.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 2nd April, 2009

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8 Litre V6 from North America


I love this car and would buy another in a heartbeat


I had the alternator go out after 2,000 miles of having it.

General Comments:

I love this car, not much has broke down.

I love the leather interior.

My friends all love this.

I get great mileage from it.

Definitely a chick magnet.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 17th April, 2005

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8L supercharged from North America


It's a chariot of love


My headlight cover fell off requiring a whole new headlight to be bought at a cost of $200.

Wishshield leaks when it rains.

General Comments:

Orange dash lights look awesome.

Super rocking speed.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 8th May, 2002

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8 Series II from North America


A really nice car


Trunk leaks.

General Comments:

It is a good reliable car. All you have to do is take care of it and it will be a great car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 4th May, 2006