1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP Supercharge 3.8L V6 from North America


Don't waste your money


Window regulator on front passenger side went out three weeks after purchase.

Both headlamps fell off within one month of purchase.

Tail lamps are coming off. You can see the taillamps separating from the car. Moisture gets inside.

Drive Side Information Center shorted three months after purchase.

Door clips have broken off so the door panels just hang. When you close the door the whole door rattles. This has happened to three of the four doors.

Air Conditioner compressor and orifice tube had to be replaced.

Driver side control center for the windows and door lock fell into the door. Left front window regulator and switch shorted out.

Oil pan and valve cover gaskets had to be replaced.

The audio steering wheel controls have shorted out. If I turn the steering wheel to the left the radio blares full blast. I cannot control the radio with the steering wheel controls. My extended warranty has expired so I will have to fix this on my own.

Seat belt reminder light comes on and stays on while I'm driving even though I have my seat belt on.

I cannot use the accessory power outlet that is located on the passenger side, near the floor. I cannot use my cell phone charger or my car vacuum in that outlet.

Interior light on the drive side door has fallen off. I didn't realize it was loose until I closed the door one day and it got crushed.

I have just about 60,000 miles on my car and I can tell that my transmission will be going out pretty soon.

General Comments:

This car is falling apart from the inside out. There are many more things wrong that I just can't think of. There are a lot of these similar problems reported to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and I am surprised that Pontiac hasn't done a voluntary recall.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 21st May, 2004

8th Jul 2004, 23:29

My 1998 GTP transmission, suspension, creeking noise in the dashboard, and need overhaul of supercharger.

I drove this car in a normal everyday fashion. No racing or whatever and still have to spend lots of money with only 93,xxx miles on it.

I'm trading the car to a foreign car. Good-bye apple pie cars.

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.1 from North America


I think it's a great 70,000 mile car


Around 65,000 miles oil pan replaced, and head gasket replaced at a cost of $1100.

2 front head lamps replaced at a cost of $150 each. Why just the cover can't be replaced, I don't know. The entire unit needed to be replaced.

Replaced the clip that holds the power window switches on drivers side twice.

Replaced windshield wiper motor as the wipers stuck in the upright position.

At 75000 miles the car sputtered and spit, so I had it towed to the dealership, and of all things, I was told that mice or some rodent ate most of my wire covers, replaced them, 2 fuel injectors, fuel pump and finally catalytic converter. This is not the fault of the car, but it cost me $1200 to have it fixed.

Immediately after that I had to replace the serpentine belt - another $120.

Newest problem is that sometimes my RPM raise, but the car hardly wants to move. When I turn the car off and start it, it stops. NOW the dealership tells me that I need a new transmission. Clutch slipping when car gets warm. Yikes, they want $2500 for a new transmission or $1500 for a used. Going to take it to a transmission specialist to verify before deciding whether to fix it or junk it.

General Comments:

I've always loved the looks of the car, still think it looks great. Leather seats have held up wonderfully. Very roomy. Great pick up. Never kept a car this long, but have enjoyed it so until recently that I didn't care if I got a new car. Planned on keeping this another year, but now I'm faced with a decision.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 29th July, 2004