1998 Pontiac Grand Prix Supercharged 3.8 from North America


More expensive than having a girlfriend!!!


I hardly know where to start with problems I've had with this car.

Had the engine completely rebuilt twice within 10,000 miles, because of poor engineering. Cost about $8000. First time was from detonation, and the second was from bearing failure. Mechanic said he would not fix it under warranty, because it was a performance car.

Car rides horrible, and has a lot of road noise and rattles.

HUD hardly ever works.

Brake pedal feels funny; like the booster is starting to go on it.

Water leaks into driver's side window when it rains, and windows are VERY slow to go back up.

Today I just noticed that I have a puddle of water on the passenger floor; I think it is coming from the A/C.

This car is stored all the time, and only driven on occasion, and the paint is still chipping and spider cracking all over where it is fiberglass.

General Comments:

I have owned this car for 4 years now, and have only put approx 27000 miles on it, and it cost me almost 11K in repairs.

I would advise anyone, if they are looking to buy one, to stay as far away from it as possible.

I also own a cheap 92 Toyota Paseo, and I would rather rely on that to get me someone than my piece of crap Grand Prix.

I have always taken pride in owning american cars, but I have to look out for my best interest, which is going with a foreign car that has much less problems. I will never again, unless I get one hell of a deal, buy another american made automobile!!!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 10th July, 2007

11th Jul 2007, 12:24

Sorry to hear all the problems, but I am not sure I would blame your engine problems just on poor engineering. First failure from detonation – do you mean the previous owner just kept driving it even though it was pinging and knocking? Small problem turns into a big problem. The second failure from bad bearing sounds more like a poor quality re-build than an engine design problem. The lack of warranty sounds strange too; I guess your mechanic did not notice it was a performance engine when he re-built it.

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 3.8 from North America


Lots of car and options for the money


Service engine light came on at 100 miles and came on repeatedly, especially during hot weather, for the next two years. It had to take it to the shop repeatedly for this. Most emission components were eventually replaced. The problem eventually faded on its own.

Power window button died in its second year.

One window stopped working the first year. I now have three windows that only work when they want to and never work at the same time. Dealer claims three motors are bad and wants to replace for $300 each! I said no, thanks.

Air bag light came on last year and was repaired free via technical service bulletin.

Both headlamp covers have come off. The one I couldn't find cost me over $100 to replace. I caught the other one before it totally fell off. I am trying to find out what is the best kind of glue to use on it.

Now my Dex-Cool has turned to sludge.

Just got through thoroughly flushing and replacing D-C. No problems with heating and cooling so far, but I expect them. That seems to be the pattern once a vehicle gets "sludged."

General Comments:

Writing this up has really made me focus on what a pain this car has been, given the few miles on it. However, it is a testimony to my love of its looks, performance, and sedan practicality that I keep talking myself out of trading. I've never kept a car this long in my life! I have even considered trading for another one. To me, it is the perfect combination of everything I want in a car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 14th May, 2003

26th Jun 2003, 20:21

I have a 1999 Grand Prix and my airbag light is on. In your review you stated the same problem and that it was repaired free via technical service bulletin. Could you please e-mail me more information about this problem and what was done to repair it? Thank You! sofia@firststep.net.