1998 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 3.1L V6 from North America




A strut on the passenger rear side is rattling, and the throttle control sensor, too.

General Comments:

I love my car; I bought the car from my uncle. He drove it for 6 years. I knew it was a good car, but I was skeptical about the mileage. I purchased the car anyway, and I love it. It runs like a new one, and rides pretty fair.

The car has high mileage, but it drives so well! There is no slack in the steering whatsoever!

It has been maintained very well. The only problems I had with it were the strut, and the throttle control sensor. It only cost thirty dollars to fix so I'm not complaining. It's a used car and I can't expect it to run like new.

The car is super nice, but I got rear-ended in December 2009 by a lady driving a 2007 Nissan Maxima; that Nissan was totaled but we drove mine home. It busted out my taillight and dented the quarter panel and busted the bumper. The lady's insurance coverage fixed it. Text messaging was the reason she hit me (she wasn't paying attention). I purchased the car in October and got hit in December; I was so mad!

Anyways, it's a great car and I wouldn't take nothing for it! I love it and I'm going to drive it until the wheels fall off! If you come across a car like this with high mileage, don't hesitate to buy it! It will last you forever!!!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 13th April, 2010

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.6 from North America


Not worth the price


The first thing I noticed about my car is that I have this chirping noise in the dash whenever the heat or a/c is on.

I had to replace tires and brakes after owning the car one year at 25,000 miles.

I had to replace the serpentine belt because it was wearing thin at this time also.

The driver's side headlight capsule fell off as I was going down the road. Luckily, it was still under warranty.

As I approached 35,000 miles, my alternator went out.

The battery was replaced shortly thereafter.

The passenger side corner light capsule fell off at 51,000 miles. I replaced it at cost from a body shop for $60.

Passenger side fog light went out and cost $15 to replace bulb.

Heater hose got a hole in it at 62,000 miles so I replaced all hoses for $360. This was not done right by the dealership and had to be redone 3 times.

Since this was not done right, my water pump went out. Made dealership pay for it.

Currently at 66,600 miles, I need new tires, the brakes make an awful noise, and the temp is running 210 while idling.

My oil filter gasket is leaking.

The dealership says the head gasket needs to be replaced.

Did I mention the condensation build up in the taillights and headlights?

General Comments:

The car has great get up and go and is very stylish: however, GM made it cheaply.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 7th February, 2003

19th Oct 2004, 07:13

My 1998 Grand Prix has 111,642 miles. I have replaced the belts, tires (2X), light bulbs, power window repair, heater/air conditioner fan, waterpump etc., and I am now scheduled for my 2nd brake replacement. I have maintained the car with tire rotations, oil changes, repair of malfunctioning parts, etc. The car sometimes hesitate when accelerating as if it is not getting gas. I will not purchase another because of replacement/repairs are expensive and the dealer cannot always diagnosis and repair the problem.

23rd Dec 2004, 20:52

I have a 1998 grand prix gt with 62,299 miles on it. I purchased this car brand new. I have taken care of it and still had problems. My air bag system light kept flashing and had to have it fixed. Luckily it was under warranty. The alternator went out at 35,000 miles. The headlight covers kept falling off. I also get condensation in the headlight covers. I have had to have the passenger door molding reattached numerous times. I have had the blower motor in the ac/heating replaced twice. I have had the power window motor replaced. The rear main seal was leaking. I had to get a new water pump at 45,000 miles. I just had to have the intake manifold gasket fixed for $800.00. I like the style of the car, but I will never purchase another GM vehicle again.