26th Jun 2005, 18:54
The Renault Fuego was not an AMC car. It was sold at AMC dealers. As for the oil pan, I have owned my fuego for about 7 years now and you expect that's with a car as low as the fuego. Try no to hit everything in your path. I have only broken the oil pan once and it was the towing company’s fault. As for the car nothing really compares to it.
13th Dec 2007, 11:47
I owned this car from 1985-1989. The clutch failed twice. The thermostat (inside a radiator hose) failed shut twice. The brakes failed once and I had to buy three alternators for it.
Very bad design.
Also, the procedure to burp air out of the radiator takes 15 minutes. Why? Bad design.
13th Feb 2008, 13:15
I bought an 84 new from an AMC dealer in 84. I had it for a couple months, and it simply died. Brought it back to the dealer and they held it for about 2 months trying to figure out what was wrong. Yeah, I was like 24 years old at the time, and they didn't give me much respect. Eventually under threats to sue them for not fixing my car, I agreed to take a NEW 85 at a reduced price.
The 85 was a 2.2. I have to say... that was the BEST car I've ever owned. Never had any problems with it. I could change my own oil and plugs. I drove it for 150,000 miles, and eventually it was hit while parked in a snowstorm. I sold it a month later with the drivers door smashed for $500. Quite simply the best car I've ever owned, as far a reliability. I've had 3 Miatas since then, an MR2, and a Buick Riviera. Not a great car for sex in the back seat, but still...
27th Mar 2008, 13:46
This was the first car I ever had. I bought it despite my brother's warning. It stalled as soon as I drove it off the lot-it was an automatic. The car was a nightmare from the beginning.
31st Jul 2009, 21:48
I had 3 Fuegos in the 80's. Crashed them all due to my own youth/stupidity. Walked away from all three wrecks.
Only had one recurring problem with the 1.6 in winter with the warm air hose being cracked causing extreme lumpiness after 20 minutes driving in freezing conditions.
Now drive Hilux Surfs exclusively and have to say that Fuegos were every bit as reliable. Would not drive a modern Renault though. Nightmares on wheels. Had 2 Meganes. Never again!!!
18th Mar 2004, 22:36
No, these cars were TERRIBLE. I am not kidding here, Renault and AMC? Give me a break, this car was terrible.