General Comments:
Other than really bad factory tires and the bad trunk release, the car has been very reliable.
I have driven a 2000 Honda Accord. Compared to the Accord, the suspension is too soft, so the car handles poorly, but acceptably. It is not as fun to drive.
The build quality is better. The interior material is better. The service for the Toyota is simpler, with an oil change every 5000 miles and a major service every 15000 miles. There haven't been many surprises in the services area.
The car soaks up bumps really well, but leans excessively on curves.
The engine and the transmission is really smooth.
Steering is too numb.
The car's control layout is not as good as the Honda.
The view out of the car is not as good.
18th Mar 2011, 09:25
We bought our 2001 Camry used in 2009. We love it. It is even better than the '83 Corolla we bought new and sold after 17 years. (I am sure that '83 is still on the road). Toyotas are like Apple computers. The people who buy them do so because they work!