1983 Toyota Hi-lux Pickup 2WD 22R gas from North America


Best vehicle I have ever owned


Needed a head gasket at around 120,000 miles, new clutch at 215,000.

Other items that have been replaced once: alternator, water pump.

General Comments:

Best vehicle I have ever owned. Original owner. Will probably outlive me.

I have given it a lot of TLC. Oil changed every 3,000 miles, gear oil for the transmission and differential every 30,000 miles, basically following or exceeding what is recommended in the owner's manual.

The lack of undercoating made the truck susceptible to rust so I've done a lot of rustproofing over the years.

Interior of the cab is small and bare bones. No A/C, radio stopped working at around 100,000. Used vinyl protectant products regularly since purchased and the dash and other vinyl are still like new, though more than 40 years old. The ride is stiff, probably in part due to the box frame which contributes to its durability.

For someone who just wants reliable transportation rather than a living room on wheels, it's an ideal option if you can find one in good condition.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 24th March, 2025

28th Mar 2025, 21:38

We had one in the family many years ago, a very reliable vehicle. Nice review.