Tercel DX 2-Door Hatch 1.5

The hottest car you'll ever buy

310 words, North America

Tercel Standard Coupe 1.5L carbureted I-4

Get the stick

414 words, North America, 4 comments

Tercel LX 1.6 litre 12 valve 3E

My Grocery Getter

67 words, North America

Tercel Coupe 1.8

Great investment, I think I got my money's worth

190 words, North America

Tercel DX 1.5

My car was very reliable for the 4 years that I owned it, and will be greatly missed.

62 words, North America


Great, dependable, economical, get-cha-where-yer-goin' vehicle!

142 words, North America

Tercel DX 1.5L

Clickety Clack went the smokey little engine!

175 words, North America, 4 comments

Tercel DX 1.6 inline

A grand and faithful car, sadly missed

367 words, North America

Tercel Base 1.5 liter

This is a good little car with high repair costs and high insurance rates

104 words, North America, 2 comments

Tercel 2 dr Sedan 1.58

Economical cheap basic transportation

153 words, North America

Tercel Hatchback EZ 1.5

Great town car

150 words, North America

Tercel DX Deluxe 1.5 liter

Very reliable, but not immune to repairs

67 words, North America

Tercel DX 1.5L

A good bargain if you know a thing or two about cars

153 words, North America, 3 comments

Tercel 1.6 litre

Great when new, not so hot with age

49 words, North America, 2 comments