10th Sep 2009, 21:04

Not hardly. Yes, Japanese car AD BROCHURES claim that their cars are more reliable. Reputable sources such as J. D. Powers and Associates and Consumer Reports don't agree. The two top rated cars in LONG-TERM reliability in J. D. Powers' most recent survey are a Ford product and a GM product. They beat out even Lexus (a Camry with $20,000 tacked on). Consumer Reports has for the past three years rated the Ford Fusion higher in LONG-TERM reliability than ANY Japanese import. It's "MUCH BETTER THAN AVERAGE" for Fusion versus "AVERAGE (i.e. "mediocre") for Camry. Accord manages to eek out a "Better than average".

J. D. Powers' pick for Best sporty coupe for several years has been the Ford Mustang (chosen over the Toyota Solara). In 2007 the Best Large sedan went to the Pontiac Gran Prix (beating out the Toyota Avalon). Corvette is currently rated better than Ferrari, and the Cadillac CTS is the world's fastest sedan. U.S. car companies are currently building the best cars in the world.

Also, as expected, no import fan has bothered to try to explain Toyota's former attorney's recent revelations that HUNDREDS of lawsuits are pending against Toyota for SUV ROLLOVERS (GOSH!!! and you guys said only EXPLORERS did that!!!) and the fact that Toyota may have been guilty of destroying evidence. Also, what about the 100,000 Toyotas that were just recalled for BAD BRAKES?? Gee, that's a PRETTY important part of the car don't you think??

Yeah, sure. Toyotas are better... NOT!!

11th Sep 2009, 18:33

20:08 and I remember our Ford Mustang GT Convertible driving to the beach and all back winding roads in the Autumn. Top down, great V8, and loving every minute driving.

I remember riding in a TVR Griffith with the Ford 289 small block. Absolute ride of a lifetime on winding back roads. Also a 428CJ 4 speed Mustang in college. And maybe someday in a Ford GT40.

I also am seeing zero new Toyotas that offer any exhilaration whatsoever, or great driving enjoyment or passion to drive. There are truly super Ford models that have true quality of life and fun. Pointing a potato shaped vehicle and turning the key going from point A to Point B. With a 4 year payment and going to work and going home. Is that what motoring enjoyment level is being reduced to? I certainly am not going that direction.

11th Sep 2009, 18:50


You lost me when you compared the cheaply made fiberglass Corvette with the rent-a-car cheapo interior to the Ferrari.

12th Sep 2009, 10:04

To comment 21:04:

Try looking at the percentages on THIS SITE for the Honda Accord, Toyota Camry, and Ford Taurus and Fusion. Look at the percentages for EVERY year the car was made, and you will see that your beloved domestics DO lose and BADLY.

12th Sep 2009, 16:30

I agree with comment 18:50. The Corvette is NOTHING compared to ANY Ferrari.

12th Sep 2009, 18:40

Corvette sales are way up in Europe, and read current customer satisfaction exceeds Ferrari overall in articles I am seeing. The new 638 hp Corvette is very cheap at only 118000. Supercar performance bargain. I like my power adjustable seats; nice on long commutes.

12th Sep 2009, 21:54

Corvette sales have increased 300% in the past three years in Ferrari's own turf (Europe) and every major automotive magazine rates the Corvette as superior to Ferrari in every category. A hundred grand+ (what the top model Corvette sells for) is hardly "cheap". You must be confusing it with a Camry.

12th Sep 2009, 21:55

"I remember the first generation Taurus, and how bad it was"

Uhhh, I guess that's why it was the best-selling car in the country for a decade and STILL has higher ratings on this site than Camry??

13th Sep 2009, 17:54

"You must be confusing it with a Camry."

No, I am talking about the el cheapo fiberglass Corvette with the el cheapo interior that is a joke compared to Ferraris.

You can make anything go fast, that doesn't mean that it is well made or made of good materials.

13th Sep 2009, 19:06

Really now? Because I just looked at the percentage of buyers who would own another Toyota Camry and it was 75% for ALL YEARS of the Camry. I then looked at the Taurus and it only had a 51% approval rating FOR ALL YEARS. The Camry STILL beats the Taurus. Always has, always will.

14th Sep 2009, 16:40

I have to agree, while performance stats may be similar between a Ferrari and a Corvette, if you look at build quality, the Ferrari wins hands down. Not to mention the fact that Ferrari will always be at an elite rank simply because it is a Ferrari, Corvette's are okay, but the fact that they have the bowtie symbol on the front makes them much less desirable. The Corvette isn't all bad though, it really is the poor man's Ferrari when you think about it.

14th Sep 2009, 21:03

Just what site did you find THAT little bit of misinformation on? It wasn't this site, because the 2006 Camry has a ZERO percent approval rating (the 2006 Taurus has an 80% approval rating). I've researched all every years of Camry and Taurus from 2000 through 2010, and the approval rating averaged over the entire period is 63% for Taurus and 43% for Camry. You must have gotten your figures off of a Toyota ad site. Even the Chrysler Sebring has a higher approval rating than Camry.

15th Sep 2009, 06:19

17:54. Have you driven any new Vettes? I sincerely doubt it.

If your import focus of interior, cupholders, seats etc is so focused only on that, you can change the interior with carbon graphite throughout seat kits or replacements, based only on the depth of your wallet. I get mail order catalogs loaded with upgrades. My leather factory seats power lumbar are kept nice with Lexol. On long trips they are great and better than the backaches I get from my young son's 2003 Civic EX; even with 15 inch tires it's a bad riding car in my opinion. The seats are thin, but he's a teen that is happy driving.

15th Sep 2009, 09:02


First of all - I own a domestic.

Secondly - Not only have I driven, but I was in the business for 35 years. Vettes can compete with exotics in power & handling. They cannot compete in quality of materials, fit, finish etc.


15th Sep 2009, 12:50

Let's sell our Vettes and Ferraris that need a fortune to tune every 4000 miles and buy the bland Camry. How nice.

15th Sep 2009, 15:10

17:54 I wonder if you were offered your choice either a new Camry or a new Corvette, free and not resold, what car you would take and keep?

15th Sep 2009, 17:29

Ever notice how many extreme low mileage Ferraris are for sale; example 5000-12000 miles on old ones? Maintenance is extremely high. In turn I see high mileage C5 vettes that are trouble free and very reliable. I am in a Corvette club over 100 Vettes and the newest ones are far superior than the imports with similar size hp. Those that can afford any car love Vettes for less headaches and likely own 3 or 4. I hope to own a Z06 used coupe next.

15th Sep 2009, 20:34

No, I got it from this site. And unlike you, I looked at the whole picture. Once again you domestics fans are basing your entire argument that Camry's are crap on ONE MODEL YEAR. I'm fully aware of the fact that the 2006 Camry got a 0% approval rating. However, if you take a look at EVERY MODEL YEAR of the Camry, and then EVERY MODEL YEAR of the Taurus, you will find that the Camry wins. And I don't mean go through every single one. Just click on Toyota and then click Camry, on the screen where it asks you to choose a model year, look up in the top left corner, you will notice a 75% approval rating that is based on the reviews for EVERY SINGLE MODEL YEAR of the Camry. You can do the same thing for the Taurus.