2002 Volkswagen Jetta GLS 1.8T from North America


Fun to drive but not worth the problems


After reading these comments, I see that I am not alone. I experienced the radio shutting off problem and the passenger side window dropping in the same day. Pulling fuse # 42 works!!

The coolant temperature sensor cracked causing wiring to be melted by anti-freeze.

All of the door handles are peeling.

Strange noise from passenger side front tire when braking, all new brakes, bearings, and tires... dealer doesn't know what the problem is.

All this and the car only has 45,000 miles!!! I'm afraid to even wonder what's going to happen next!!

General Comments:

The vehicle handles well and for only being a 4 cylinder turbo, has plenty of power, is great on gas, and fun to drive.

However, little problems that keep creeping up have made this car very expensive to own and maintain. I am sorry to say that I would never buy another VW again.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 16th July, 2008

2002 Volkswagen Jetta GLS 1.8T from North America


Reliability Nightmare


Within 1st year of ownership, have had window clips break and exhaust mount break (causing the exhaust pipe to rattle). After a few years, I've had a temp sensor fail, causing the temp gauge to malfunction. The car badly sputters after starting when cold while the secondary air pump is running. Within the past year, I have had a MAF sensor failure, secondary air injection pump failure, and 3 leaking vacuum hoses, causing the car to badly sputter, causing the ABS/TCS system to react strangely, and fail emissions inspection. Now, in the middle of the summer, one of the radiator fans is failing. Had it diagnosed, and it is LITERALLY drawing 120amps of current. I will soon be trading this car in for something from Honda or Toyota.

General Comments:

This car does drive nicely and has good performance. However, when it comes to reliability, it is the worst car you'll ever own.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 15th July, 2008

2002 Volkswagen Jetta GLS 1.8 turbo from North America


An endless drain of cash to fix


I have had so many electrical problems with this car I could just scream.

Lets start the list:

All four of my windows have broken and slid down into the door at one time or another. Instead of replacing all four windows in the car (dealer), they replaced them one at a time... as they broke... over a period of two years or so.

It took them 7 visits, over a period of one year, to get my engine light off in my car. Supposedly... a different issue each time. They stated the cause was fractures in hoses and sensor problems.

My car failed to pass emissions for the first two inspections I had on the car (all related to electronic sensors)

The interior lights on my console (radio and temperature) have long gone out and no longer work

The warning signal on my door (tells you left your headlights on) no longer works... estimate to fix was over $600! (forget it)

The seat heater almost started on fire. Seat was replaced under the recall they FINALLY put out for the defective heater... although the leather used to replace the melted seat did not match my interior too well!

My interior lights flip on while driving, telling my door is ajar, at any sporadic moment... at least every time I drive it anymore. I have to open and slam the door hard... while I'm driving to turn the annoying warning alarm off. Another expensive item to fix!

My tail lights have to be replaced about every six months... they keep telling me there is no electrical short... but c'mon!! My headlights have been replaced more times than I can count.

But the worst thing that happened to really really add to all the agony is when the radio went dead. The fuse 42 trick did not work for me and I had to replace the radio. About $350. Someone help me understand why one should EVER have to replace a radio in a car??? I've read about these radio problems sooo many times it really makes me mad they haven't put a recall out on this.

Over all, this car is an electrical nightmare!!! The engine itself has not really caused me too many problems, but the electrical composition of the car is terrible. They should be ashamed to keep putting their customers through these nightmares. These problems have not been cheap at all to fix.

I WILL NEVER NEVER EVER buy another VW, and I spend quite a bit of energy making sure no one else gets ripped off as well. This car has been nothing but a money pit, and a constant profitable revenue stream for VW.

General Comments:

This car is an electrical NIGHTMARE!!!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 10th July, 2008