14th Mar 2012, 11:41
I purchased a 2001 Toyota Celica for my daughter. It came with a 5 speed manual transmission.
It had about 145,000 miles on the odometer. Four months later, the tranny refused to move the car. There was a lot of gear noise. Removed the tranny and opened it up, and found several gears with teeth missing (gear teeth).
I also noticed, from the markings on the tranny, that this was a replacement tranny from some unknown junkyard.
Purchased another transmission off of eBay. Now 6 months later, I have a lot of whining noise from the transmission. While traveling on the road at about 60 miles an hour, in 5th gear, when I let up on the gas pedal, I will at times, all of a sudden, get the sound of gears grinding together, and a temporary loss of forward movement of the car.
I suspect the problem could be the tranny gears again, and quite possibly the bearings within the tranny.
At times, I will also get a squeal noise, for no apparent reason.
When I installed this tranny, I used 80w-90 gear oil, as recommended from the seller of this tranny, and also the parts store. So lubrication should not been a problem.
I should also mention, that I had to replace the shifting cables, as for one of them had broken. Afterwards, it shifted fine, up until two months ago.
Supposedly this tranny I purchased off of eBay, only had 117,00 miles on it. I would say that I've put maybe 5,000 miles on this tranny since installing it. Anyone have some thoughts on this problem?
I suspect I will hear it's time to replace the tranny again. I should mention all of the other gears, except for 5th gear, work reasonably well.
30th Jul 2011, 02:55
Hey mate, I wondered if you could tell me more about this engine sludging?
I just bought a 2000 model VVTI, and it chews oil; like 1000 miles to a full tank!!!
Also, my engine management light has started to come on, and a few noises are coming from my exhaust, which I am told is the CAT breaking up due to the bad emissions?
I would like to be advised if this is time to get rid of the car, or what you believe needs replaced?
Cheers, Jimi.