29th Jan 2014, 20:32
Has anyone responded over this issue? I have the same problem with my 2001 model. Please assist. My e-mail is munenestanley@gmail.com.
9th Oct 2014, 14:00
Switch off the car. Disconnect the negative battery terminal. Switch on the head lights to full beam with the terminal disconnected, then press the hooter five times. Leave the terminal disconnected for ten minutes, then reconnect the terminal. Make sure it's secure and your screen should be working. If it didn't help, e-mail me with more details at mikeadez343@gmail.com.
19th Nov 2014, 08:13
I have the same problem on the same vehicle. If you have found the solution, please assist me. My email address is munenestanley@gmail.com.
21st Oct 2013, 07:27
It is due to water vapour in the touch panel. Take out the touch panel, dry it with a hair drier, and then fit it; it will solve your problem.
Thanks, Saad Akbar, Pakistan