27th Oct 2012, 01:26
It seems your fuel isn't getting in.
7th Sep 2013, 17:35
I have had the same problem, after getting a distributor from the wreckers. I carried out a full electrical test on the pickup coil and high tension coil according to the car's manual. I had voltage up to the coil and distributor, but no spark. The only logical thing left was the distributor ECM. To make a spark, you need pulsating DC voltage. As the magnetic points pass each other, the induced voltage is picked up by the pickup coil, and then fed to the ECM, which should then charge the high tension coil. As the pickup coil discharges, the collapsing magnetic field should cause a spark. I have yet to do a test on the ECM. I am getting a new one to try. If a new one works, I will let you know. I also wondering if something else in the circuit is inhibiting the voltage to the distributor and coil.
11th Sep 2006, 21:14
I had a problem with my Pulsar not long ago, I was not getting any spark, nor was I getting fuel.
The fix for my problem was the black control module that is mounted inside of the distributor, and also the pick-up coil that is in there as well.
Hope this fixes your problem.