27th Oct 2011, 11:57
Porsche is at the top of quality manufacturing.. Chevy is not. If all you care about is horsepower.. then drive your Vette until it breaks down.. which it will often. But if you want a serious sports machine that is built by hand with quality materials and craftsmanship.. then Porsche is your brand.
16th Jul 2013, 20:57
I have a Corvette 2011 with 438 HP and a Porsche 911 2003 with 320 HP.
I could tell you that the Corvette is much faster, is more fun to drive, and drinks less than the 911, which not only drinks more, but you have to put in gas with 94 octane. The Corvette drinks only 91 octane.
13th Sep 2011, 23:29
No offense, I know that the new Corvettes are more powerful than this Porsche no problem... but when you buy a Porsche (for some it's to show off just as much as the Vette or Ferrari owners), you don't look for gas mileage or that much of super power, although some are real rockets. No, you look for the twistiest road you can find! On a 100, 200, 500 miles trip (twisty), I would not be afraid of any Vette... Sorry for my English I'm French Canadian.