25th Apr 2009, 13:12
Oh yeah, a 1984 Chevy Camaro with a 125 HP 2.8 liter V6 sure showed those Mustang 5.0 drivers who was boss back in the day... NOT!
"I've been embarrassed by having my 1990 5.0 beaten time after time by basic Camaros with the 6."
Are you sure your car was firing on all 8 cylinders?
24th Apr 2009, 15:52
Your 1990 5.0 got beaten by a "basic 6" Camaro? Did you start out in third gear? Pretty tough for a 160 hp heavier car to take a lighter car with 225 HP and 300 lb ft of torque behind it. I never had a 6 cylinder Camaro come close to taking me in any race. In fact anything before the LT1/ LS1 era from '93 up couldn't touch me in my 5.0 stock to stock. Even the 5.7 IROC was slower due to being stuck with a pitiful automatic. I do agree that the new Camaro is going to be spectacular with the 304 hp V-6 in it though. What a bargain... and looks to match.