20th Sep 2009, 13:01

"It seems the only people who regard the Camry as better than Ford or GM are teenagers who now own their first Toyota"

Really? Because I have a good friend who is now in his mid-40's that bought a 2004 Toyota Camry as the first Toyota he ever purchased and he loves it.

21st Sep 2009, 21:08

"It seems the only people who regard the Camry as better than Ford or GM are teenagers who now own their first Toyota"

Actually the comment says that teenagers who now own their first TOYOTA (not Camry necessarily) regard the Camry as better. There's no question that the Camry is designed for elderly people. They are slow, boring and come only in pastel, muted colors (like most 4-door sedans).

The import fan who makes all the unfounded, wild claims about how "superior" Toyota is is, I believe, a teenager whose first and only vehicle is a used Tacoma truck. That was what the comment had reference to. There has never been any argument that the Camry is an old people's ride.