10th Jan 2012, 20:28
I have an 06 H3, and have nothing but trouble with the engine, front differential & hub bearing. Engine replaced at 58K miles, and with new one at 35K miles. All the gaskets are leaking oil. Not to mention a bunch of other problems.
7th May 2014, 12:30
msgrant55@att.blackberry.net: Please contact me to start a class action law suit against GM for their 2009 H3. I started having problems before I reached the 50,000 mile point, and each time I needed repairs, I had to fight with GM, and still had to pay. These Hummers were NEVER any good, I purchased this H3 in 2009, paid cash, BRAND NEW. I'm very disappointed with GM and GM dealers. They did offer me $200... YES... $200 to trade.
2nd Dec 2011, 15:40
I too have a 2006 H3 Hummer with the exact same problems.. After $2300 worth of repair work.. my check engine light came on and I was told the #1 cylinder head needed repair at the price of $4000... This will be the third time the same cylinder head needed repair... After contacting GM, I was told that this was a bad batch and nothing could be done. If there are enough 2006 H3 owners with the same problem, we need to start a class action lawsuit..