30th Nov 2009, 12:21
Well who would buy an import for anything other than increased quality? I'd take the best car for the money over proving a point to someone.
Also, on the "losing domestic manufacturing" point. Isn't Ford and GM's continued outsourcing of jobs and $billions spent on foreign plants costing you already?? It soon will. I really hope you don't post statements like that if you drive a Fusion.... you know the Mexican Ford? That would be very hypocritical of you! Of course in your mind that would be okay to drive a car that creates exactly "0" manufacturing jobs as long as it is a "domestic" huh?
30th Nov 2009, 14:23
Actually, other countries laugh at the Big 3 all the time. Just recently, as Toyota's CEO was laid off, the founder of Toyota actually compared his recent wrongdoings to that of the managers of GM. The British (while their cars are no better) think we're a joke. And they all I can see straight through that marketing campaign you call a warranty.
30th Nov 2009, 12:13
You must be a true American. You want everyone looking for honesty and integrity in the U.S. to move to Japan. You should be proud.
If fixing the U.S. long running economic problems is to you "teaching a lesson" then I guess you see things differently than I do. It is not logical to keep supporting a failed business plan, therefore destroying our economy further. Am I in favor of supporting Japan? Well according to you yes, although you have obviously not taken the time to read the article I pasted the link to and really just want to hear your own words as truth and the word of God.
Stop and ask yourself why is buying import cars a threat to our economy? Why is something that has been going on for decades in the U.S. suddenly such a problem? But just don't blame the manufacturers for anything. Keep on supporting them by purchasing their cars AND giving them your hard earned tax money. See how long it is before they fail again and ask for more. But hey, this is undying loyalty right? Who cares if they do the right thing and become a better business for it. Let's live in the dark ages and keep the dream alive.
Sorry but incompetency is more unpatriotic than any thing else to me. You'll never understand that doing the right thing is more important in the long run than anything else in order for the U.S. to survive. Calling me an import lover and telling me to move to Japan because I would rather see an end to the lame business practice in this country, which would undoubtedly make it better for us ALL, is just sad.
Sorry you are only in it to save yourself and not to worry about future generations. So patriotic of you... really. Oh and once again.. I drive a FORD so enough with the import lover crap okay?