2nd Dec 2009, 14:01
Actually imports were always known for premium prices and higher quality. Now you can buy a stripper Kia for $9,995 but it has nothing extra on it. All warranties are about the same too as 5 year 60K really is essentially the same as 5 year 100K when the average driver does 12K per year.
Plus, before making any claims about the job market look at the facts. Yes today there are more domestic jobs then imports in the U.S. However, the domestic companies continue to outsource labor and spend $ billions on foreign plants. The flipside is the import companies continue to invest in the U.S. in the form of factories and job creation. It is not out of the question that someday soon there will be more import auto jobs then domestic auto jobs in the U.S. Most Ford and GM cars will be built in Mexico and Canada at the rate they are going. Seems to me the domestic car companies are the selfish ones, looking for a higher profit margin by letting foreigners have more and more of the U.S. auto workers jobs.
2nd Dec 2009, 13:49
THANK YOU!! I am out of work during the holidays because no one seems to understand that buying American saves jobs. I wish everyone were as wise as you. I'd still be working. It's also funny that people are so ill-informed about American cars. I had to sell my Ford to get money for Christmas this year. It sold 30 MINUTES after posting the internet ad for the full price I was asking. The buyer had been trying for TWO MONTHS to sell their Honda Accord.