4th Dec 2009, 10:28
Okay, why are thousands put out of work by people who buy Hondas and Toyotas? No one will explain the cause of this, yet they keep going on about it. Please tell me why you feel these people are the problem, and it is not the domestic car companies and their inability to run a competitive business. Come on... justify your argument. Domestic car companies have been competing with these same import manufacturers for decades, yet now their customers are driving people out of work all of the sudden.
Sounds like this is a bigger problem than just buying an import car. Why blame consumers for wanting better products when you SHOULD be blaming the poorly run domestic car companies for creating their own worst case scenario.
Please stop posting on these type of sites, and spend time writing letters to the CEO's of Ford, GM and Chrysler, asking them why they have failed so miserably, and created an auto industry in the U.S. that is so unstable that the whole country could fall apart if it fails.
4th Dec 2009, 10:44
Probably no more or no less worried by the thousands upon thousands of U.S. Autoworkers put out of work because the American Automakers outsourced their jobs to new plants that they built in Canada & Mexico.
4th Dec 2009, 10:15
What is worrisome is that you apparently define "patriotism" by the make of car someone drives.