1st Jul 2010, 18:07
I don't worry about "covering up a lack of driving skills" with an SUV. I worry about covering up the bodies of all the people who are killed in small cars because they THINK they can miraculously avoid accidents because they did a few laps on a test track. Over-confidence kills just as easily as poor driving skills. Many accidents CAN'T be avoided regardless of the level of driving skill. My wife and I are both excellent, well-trained drivers who have had extensive driving experience. We have driven everything from sports cars and sub-compacts to SUV's. You are every bit as vulnerable in a small car (and much more prone to serious injury) because the OTHER driver's actions can result in unexpected and unavoidable crashes.
2nd Jul 2010, 20:37
A good defensive driver does not have "plenty of close calls." Instead, they look ahead and rarely get in those kinds of situations.
1st Jul 2010, 14:39
This is what I wish ALL teens would be like. Responsible when learning how to drive. Wish more people were like you!