17th Sep 2010, 11:50
Let's not forget that currently the best that Chrysler has to offer (Challenger, Charger, 300C) are all riding on Mercedes platforms, and would never have seen the light of day if not for Daimler-Benz! So who are you supporting there? Did Daimler get any profits when they owned part of Chrysler? You can bet on it!
17th Sep 2010, 11:44
And let's not forget Government Motors that is now paying itself back the tax money they "borrowed". It is amazing how people defend these lame business practices in our country as long as they "support America". Sorry, but if supporting American industry means creating more jobs for Canadians and Mexicans, then I will be passing on it! Yes, Honda and Toyota make profits from American car sales, but they also employ Americans to do their work here in the U.S. even down to much of the designing. Those U.S. workers have jobs for it, not some Mexican or Canadian. This practice of outsourcing labor to foreign countries by the domestic car companies is on the rise, it is not going away. They continually are building new facilities and shutting down U.S. factories, and that is fact. Again, if this is your idea of support of the U.S. worker, then I just don't get it.