27th Oct 2010, 20:06
To give you an idea of just how blown out of proportion the recall mess for Toyota is... Go google "any car maker" recalls. If you put in GM recalls, Ford recalls or Toyota recalls there are millions for each of them over the past couple of years. Ford, GM and Chrysler had some major recalls for fire hazards, steering loss, brake loss, etc. etc. You don't hear about all of them, because the American car companies cannot afford to have stories similar to Toyotas leaked all over the front pages of every news source. They are listed if you look for them, but haven't been made into a media circus like Toyota's issues have.
This is about saving businesses and not really about less recalls for domestic cars. There are millions listed as recalls, so more than a handful of problems as domestic lovers seem to quote for domestic recalls!
27th Oct 2010, 10:15
Toyota has the same basic warranty as everyone other than Hyundai and Suzuki with their 10 year/100K mile warranty. GM is using a marketing game to make their warranty look better, but it is still the same 5 years that you'll get with the Toyota. 90% or better won't use a single extra mile on their GM warranty over what they'd get with a Toyota warranty.
In my experience, Toyota doesn't need to add mileage to their warranty. I've never had any issues with one other than routine maintenance that isn't covered under warranty anyhow.
GM? They should offer a 10 year 100K mile warranty. Then they would go broke faster and we could stop talking about them!