27th Oct 2015, 13:18
The ECU has done nothing but improved the modern ECU. Anyone with a simple code reader can pull errors (making life easier for the mechanic). Very rarely do the computers themselves fail. Because of added electronics, everything is capable of running more efficiently, allowing for a lot more power when needed and fuel efficiency.
Owned 3 F150s and never had an issue, plus 6 other cars with computers too. Never an issue. 2 of my older cars that were more "analogue" were far worse. There is nothing but benefits to modern automotive computing. I'm far from an engineer, yet I have been rewriting the software in these cars for a few years. Just takes a bit of learning and getting used to.
9th Feb 2015, 15:57
Engineer LOL! Unless they are a mechanic, they probably have little to no mechanical skills. I have worked around a few of them, and if it's not on a computer or a blue print, they are at a loss.