8th Jan 2017, 00:12
I have a 1996 Barina Swing, I have noticed that it will get hot quickly; the best thing is to check your oil, make sure it's got enough in it and also that you have radiator fluid, as old cars might not have had either replaced in a while, so emptying both and replacing them are your best option. I did it on my car and it's running better than ever.
You should also know that if the car is getting hot, a fan should kick in; you'll hear it, the car will get louder. That fan turns on when the car is too hot and it will cool down the engine. I wouldn't worry too much as long as you have clean fluid in your car, mainly oil and radiator fluid. Also if you want to save on getting it serviced, all that's needed is changing the oil and oil filter, new air filter, water, radiator fluid and fuel injector cleaner. Google how to do each if you don't know how, all are incredibly easy and will save you so much money.
30th Sep 2015, 20:33
It's doing the same thing on my Barina Swing. I have the manual book. Please contact me on 0476248717 (Australia).