19th Feb 2013, 16:46
The problem is they aren't the same cars. If I could drive a full-size luxury car like the one in this review that gets 40 MPG, needless to say that would be great. The only problem is that for whatever reason Detroit is either unable or unwilling to build a larger fuel efficient vehicle. As has been pointed out in many previous posts, not everyone wants to drive in a small sub-compact, which for the most part right now is the only way you can reach 40 MPG, and that type of car in no way can compare to the roominess or comfort of a large vehicle. People like myself will continue to drive in comfort until a change is absolutely necessitated by money.
In my opinion, I think we have come a long way since the late 60s or early 70s. At this point I think some views on the environment are simply fanatical and will do more harm than good. I think for a long time in the 80s to the early 00s we had a happy medium; now that the liberals have control, I think things are simply getting out of hand! And sadly many of them, like their poster child Al Gore, are nothing more than hypocrites expecting the shrinking middle-class to make the sacrifices rather than themselves.
19th Feb 2013, 17:03
But yet you own a '55 Mercury?
19th Feb 2013, 11:50
Cars aren't the problem with China's cities, it's their factories for the most part. You see, when the EPA "got rid" of the pollution in the US back in the 1970s, they never really got rid of it. They just had it sent somewhere out of sight for most Americans, which is China.
Also remember, China doesn't have emissions laws like we do either. Catalytic converters and other anti-smog devices are purely optional over there.
And yes, I'm not going to buy into the climate change hype. Not because of any liberal association. Mostly because I'd rather not see crazy guys like Bill McKibben gain legitimacy in the political sphere. Modern environmentalism is not interested in saving the world through the use of technology. They want a total reduction in progress, which would be impossible in a world of over 7 billion people.
Read a lot of their more radical works to see for yourself. Read their writings and see what they really believe in behind closed doors. Don't buy into the sensationalist bullcrap NBC and CNN airs to glorify their cause. The EPA isn't the bad guy, but the NGOs that try to force their political beliefs down regular people's throats are the bad guys in all of this.
They believe that the world would be a better place without people. They want people to be born into a life without happiness, long life, healthiness, or not be born at all. People have no duty to sacrifice themselves for animals or bacteria, and don't buy into their twisted philosophy that we somehow do.