27th Nov 2014, 16:23
Yes, but it involves a lot of work.
6th Jun 2015, 23:29
Yes, but what would be the point of that, considering that you could just go out and buy a Brougham already equipped with the 307 and be done with it?
The cost and time of such an engine swap ensure that it wouldn't be logical to keep the car vs buying a newer Brougham model.
27th Nov 2014, 14:15
It's possible and relatively easy to do. However since you are choosing Oldsmobile power, I'd recommend a 350 or 403 (preferably a 403 if you can find one). The 307 is another CAFE engine and is best suited in a 3600lb car i.e. Cutlass or Toronado. They are underpowered in large GM cars.
When GM redesigned their large cars in 1977, they all featured an engine either 5.7L or 6.6L (7.0L for Cadillac) with anywhere from 170hp-180hp and 275 lbs-320 lbs of torque. Those figures provide the best driving experience for these big cars.