17th Aug 2017, 20:57
At this point, whether a 3rd gen Volt will be produced is pure speculation. Even so, the scant details suggests a replacement in the form of a crossover, which totally makes sense, given that America's appetite for crossovers seems insatiable. I have no problem with this. The Voltec platform has proven to be rock-solid.
And also, what gives with discounting my commentary just because I didn't buy the car brand-new? The fact of the matter is that I bought the car with less than 20k on the clock, and it even still smelled new. Unlike full sized trucks and some luxury cars, many EVs and Plugin EVs lose their value VERY rapidly. Let me ask you guys this, especially "Corvette guy"... So assume you would just love to have the latest generation Corvette, the much lauded Stingray. These ring in at about 80k new, but what if you could buy one a year later, ever so gently used for 30k? Is it REALLY worth 50k more just to have something new?
I am by no means poor and make well into a 6-figure income, and if I wanted to, I could buy a new Volt, Corvette, or whatever without a sweat. But I'm also not dumb with my money and spending 10's of thousands of dollars for a new(er) car smell is to me sort of stupid. Figuring as how the average person might buy 5-6 cars in their lifetimes means the potential of 100k+ worth in savings... savings that could be doing real work like in a stock portfolio, or on 10+ luxury vacations... or even a total home remodel or whatever. All I know is that I intend to retire at a younger age so I can do the things retirees do and do those when I am still relatively young, and if that means (gasp) I buy used cars... then so be it.
17th Aug 2017, 17:08
I think you could rewrite the word thrift after reading the last comments. The only way I could equal the mileage by battery to gas at my workplace would be to siphon my coworkers' gas tanks.