15th Nov 2017, 01:11
Leave it exactly as is. This is a 1974 car review. Scroll to the late model manufacturer and year of your choice. Why tap on a 1974 car under review? I like our new cars as well. Each has s character of their own. But sometimes the isolated, insulated cocoon of a late model loses its luster. Putting the top down on an older car going through the gears is a rush. Especially in a really well restored car. This is a Pacer review. Appeals to some and they have a right to compare notes with others. Doing cross comparisons to a era vehicle is especially very interesting.
15th Nov 2017, 19:52
All reviews, old or new, have value. Not everyone can afford a new car or even a car at a couple of years old. The average age of a car on the road today is about 7 or 8 years old, and most cars last nearly 15 years on average, so certainly older reviews will be very helpful to most people.
As for this particular review, yes it is a 1970s car so likely will not appeal to everyone, but classic drivers and collectors like to hear others experiences and share help in the comments.
As others have alluded to, if you are looking for newer reviews, there are plenty on here as well, if that's what you are looking for.
15th Nov 2017, 00:34
So, if you don't like it, view the new car reviews. I like this site because there's something for everybody around the world. The vehicle that I drive daily is 21 years old. Perfectly relevant to discuss on here. On the reviews that are similar that is. For some that's a whole 'nother story.