Mere pittance when you have the car you dreamed of. My dad taught me long ago that you cannot pull a U Haul with a hearse. Another example was an uncle who saved every dime with multiple jobs for an early retirement. Drove rattletrap cars and did everything on the cheap. Died in his early 50s. To me there’s a balance, and if you work smart, do not deprive yourself. Are you driving a car or a wallet? If you are healthy, you can work part time if necessary well into retirement. Just for fun if nothing else.
23rd Mar 2018, 15:05
Mere pittance when you have the car you dreamed of. My dad taught me long ago that you cannot pull a U Haul with a hearse. Another example was an uncle who saved every dime with multiple jobs for an early retirement. Drove rattletrap cars and did everything on the cheap. Died in his early 50s. To me there’s a balance, and if you work smart, do not deprive yourself. Are you driving a car or a wallet? If you are healthy, you can work part time if necessary well into retirement. Just for fun if nothing else.