4th Nov 2019, 21:32
I wouldn’t do so. Always took pride in any place I worked for, if only for my own personal pride and satisfaction. That’s a really poor attitude. Many assembly operations are critical and could cost a vehicle consumer or pedestrian their life. Pontiac had a long history. But too many GM nameplates from Chevrolet, Buick and Olds. There was a time you could check off all the numerous Pontiac engine upgrades on your new car order sheet you wanted vs other brands. Be nice to focus on the 2020 models today. Would love to see Pontiac return - maybe not Grand Ams, but better choices. Get enough people demanding for them vs settling just for gas mileage.
4th Nov 2019, 18:53
You are obviously unaware of the power and influence of the auto workers unions, which ensure that they have no consequences for not "doing their job correctly" nor any real fear of being "fired". Pissing in the crankcase would probably be the least of their shenanigans...