20th Mar 2021, 17:45
Guys enjoy what you like. This guy is fixated on not spending anything in our price range. New or Used. Including other than Jeep’s. And you have nothing to prove. If there are some repairs, so what. If he ever buys a 40-55k vehicle and then takes it apart to load and upgrade from new parts as built, to even better parts, I will be the first to apologize. I’ve added at least 15k on mine. Personality like and my preference. No qualms spending the money whatsoever. Everything else paid for. Guys will spend to have great trucks, Jeep’s, cars, boats, jet skis etc. to go faster and as accessories. This will never change. Pinching pennies is not quality of life if you can splurge and have it.
20th Mar 2021, 16:58
Show me a flatbed going through the terrain the Jeep got “stuck” in, then come talk to me.