Take reviews collectively and make an informed decision. Not one review. People can have a used car that was neglected, abused and down it hard. Or be defensive of a purchase to not appear foolhardy as well if it’s not great. Or are bias over not being able to either afford or are too cheap to spend on a otherwise fine car. Terrain and environment are a factor. Mountainous terrain, brutal winters with salt brine daily on the roads, etc. Garaged or not garaged. Lastly limited experience with car ownership to compare to any degree. Maybe owned 4 or 5 in their lifetime, not just riding in a parents car doing extensive reviews. Armchair reviewing only from a magazine. All some factors on comments and recommendations.
Magazines are biased? Actually, they are objective. They have no reason to tell anything other than the truth and facts. If they don’t, they lose their credibility, and nobody will read them.
25th Jul 2021, 14:42
Take reviews collectively and make an informed decision. Not one review. People can have a used car that was neglected, abused and down it hard. Or be defensive of a purchase to not appear foolhardy as well if it’s not great. Or are bias over not being able to either afford or are too cheap to spend on a otherwise fine car. Terrain and environment are a factor. Mountainous terrain, brutal winters with salt brine daily on the roads, etc. Garaged or not garaged. Lastly limited experience with car ownership to compare to any degree. Maybe owned 4 or 5 in their lifetime, not just riding in a parents car doing extensive reviews. Armchair reviewing only from a magazine. All some factors on comments and recommendations.