2000 Plymouth Neon LX 4 cylinder from North America


Couldn't ask for a better car.. just what I need!


I LOVE my car! My sister had an older Neon a long time. I believe her model year was an '95 or somewhere in that region. She constantly had problems with her's, but I've had none with mine so far and it's a 7 year old car. I've done my research and 2000s are a totally different kind of car than the older ones are, with more advanced technologies and fun features.

General Comments:

Like I said, I love it!! I had a Mitsubishi Mirage previously. The computer in it was alwaysss dying, leaving me stranded no matter where I went or what the temperature was outside (I had been told that if it were cold outside, it would act up even worse). WRONG!


My car is fun to drive...it's got great gas mileage, plenty of room, FIVE cup holders, lay-down back seats, keyless entry, and automatic windows and locks in the front only.

It's perfect for me! It gets me where I need to go SAFELY (I will admit.. I like to go for a thrill ride every now and then). My breaks have yet to let me down!

I feel confident driving down the road because heads turn.

I've got my windows tinted and plan on getting neon under lights, a spoiler, decals on the sides, a new cd player, a system put in it, and possibly a sun-roof.

I've never been so excited to flaunt my car until I bought my Neon. And I love her!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 21st August, 2007

2000 Plymouth Neon LX 2.0 from North America




One wheel cylinder on the left rear drum started leaking. Had both replaced along with shoes. Other than this, car has had no work done other than normal maintenance.

General Comments:

Good solid car, inexpensive, good on fuel.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 27th March, 2007

2000 Plymouth Neon from North America


I believe I just bought a lemon


Right after I purchased the car, I noticed a clicking noise and brought it back to the dealership. Although they did extensive repairs, the noise was still there. Eventually they realized that the problem was the hub caps.

The electric door locks had to be repaired twice. The first time was about two years after I purchased the car, then again two years after that. Although I schedule regular maintenance for the car, it seems to be in the shop quite a lot. Last month it was a motor mount.

The newest problem is, when the car is started, it will not shift out of park and the brake lights both went out. Both problems happened on the very same night without any warning, so I believe they are related.

General Comments:

The car is comfortable to drive, but I don't feel it is reliable enough for driving distances, such as out of state.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 13th May, 2006

14th May 2006, 11:10

If this car is so awful (and it is) why have you kept it for 6 years and 96,000 miles? Seems like you would get rid of any vehicle that you felt unsafe in.

14th May 2006, 13:06

Motor mounts are a common problem among Neons, and did you take it to a 5-star Dodge dealership? If not, then you might want to do that next time. And also if you have any questions about Neons, just go to this forum...


8th Dec 2006, 00:39

The not getting out of park problem is likely due to the brake switch. The switch closes when you hit the brakes, so light up the brake lights and to also allow you to shift out of park. It's a very simple problem and shouldn't be more than a few dollars to repair. You could probably do it yourself in fact.

12th Jan 2007, 13:50

If motor mounts are a common Neon problem, do have your service rep at the dealer look up ALL the recalls and have them done. The mounts may be one of them for your year.

21st Jan 2010, 16:10

I have just purchased a 2000 Plymouth Neon. The next day I go to start car. The battery a bit low, car pooped, but would not start. Two shots of ether and it fired, idles very rough, also engine pops, misses and backfires. Would someone tell me what the problem could be?

22nd Jan 2010, 14:52

Tell me you didn't use starting fluid! That stuff can KILL ENGINES. I've seen it happen numerous times. If you did use some starting fluid, you might be looking at an engine replacement. Sorry you had to learn the hard way.