18th Sep 2009, 09:37

15:07 My car is not a status symbol and I prefer to low key it. I do not take it to work and have to impress. The Vette impressed me, and that's what counts.. It's fine to fill the bank, but after absolutely everything is paid off and you have several zeros in your account, why drive a rattletrap? I like working, do not have to, and play golf and have fun. I can fit 2 golf bags easily in my convertible's trunk and have fun getting there. I know someone with a Mini Cooper collection; why buy 5 of them when they could have money in the bank? They probably like them, and paid cash as well. Not everyone is broke on here and can retire or are.

18th Sep 2009, 15:52

Chances are good there are A LOT of fake reviews on this site for all different kinds of cars. And how do Camry's get awful reviews when they have a 75% approval rating on here? That percentages is for all years.

18th Sep 2009, 17:04

The actual demographic I saw on new Corvettes is 50 male. No comment on hair loss; I have all of mine. yet know under 30 year olds that have almost total premature baldness and not shaved. Less stress with a new Vette, and I am going out now in mine.

18th Sep 2009, 18:19

WOW... truly, I am laughing my head off. Haven't checked in here for a couple of days, but apparently, the domestic fans are now claiming that, not only are their garbage Fords and GMs better than a Toyota, but that the Vette is better than a Ferrari?!? WOW again. Once again, a reality check -- no piece of trash Ford or GM is or ever was a match in quality for a Toyota, and the Vette is a cheap, mass produced piece of junk next to ANY Ferrari.

18th Sep 2009, 20:20

People often think that because something costs a small fortune it is well built. I remember a car show once where a driver was hot-dogging a brand new $250,000 Rolls Royce. The car blew up after less than 5 minutes of burn outs and donuts!! My Mustang can burn the rear tires out and do donuts all day without a problem.

18th Sep 2009, 21:38

Any Camry, a 2006 or any other year, is a far better automobile than Chevy, Ford, or Dodge have ever built, and most likely will ever build. Just because 6 Chevy fans think otherwise doesn't change the fact.

19th Sep 2009, 16:27

It seems the only people who regard the Camry as better than Ford or GM are teenagers who now own their first Toyota and have that "first car" crush that we all had when we got our first cars. The FACTS are very different indeed. Ford's Fusion outranks Camry by two full levels in reliability in Consumer Reports reliability rankings, and a Ford and a GM top J.D. Powers "most reliable long term" cars, beating out even Lexus. Toyota is way down in the rankings. In 2006-2007 Camry had so many reliability issues that Consumer Reports dropped its "recommended" status. That is NOT the mark of a "superior" car.

As for the people raving about the Ferrari, none of them have probably ever even SEEN one, let alone sat in one, so there is simply no basis for credibility there at all. My family has owned Corvettes and I've ridden in a client's Ferrari several times. Even HE admits the Corvette is a better car!!

20th Sep 2009, 06:51

18:19 If there is any humor, it's how a Camry owner is the resident expert on 2010 Corvettes and Ferraris. Even Jay Leno with his car collection enjoys the fact of being able to have great reliable performance. If you are fortunate to own either, the last thing appealing is waiting for a flatbed to pick you up. The ones usually complaining or knocking any car are likely to never ride or own ever I have found.

Anyone that has ever ridden in my newest Vette has been amazed. They are fast strong and dependable. If your Camry does 0-60 in under 4 seconds and can do over 200 mph, you're unlikely to want to do it even on a track.

I would rather own a low production used Viper with 500 hp than an unreliable 300 hp Ferrari that needs work every 2000 miles. I would rather buy a pretty model on my shelf if I can rarely drive the real thing.

I am sorry you think the bulletproof 638 hp Corvette is garbage. What's your basis to make such a claim? I guess you wasted 118k. I would feel I wasted it too if I felt uncomfortable doing frequent distance driving. They are fun, handle great, and I spend only routine maintenance Mobil 1, brakes and 2200 for new tires when needed

20th Sep 2009, 13:01

"It seems the only people who regard the Camry as better than Ford or GM are teenagers who now own their first Toyota"

Really? Because I have a good friend who is now in his mid-40's that bought a 2004 Toyota Camry as the first Toyota he ever purchased and he loves it.

21st Sep 2009, 14:18

When I turn 80, and if I pass the eye and driving exam, it may to appeal to me as my first purchase as well.

21st Sep 2009, 21:08

"It seems the only people who regard the Camry as better than Ford or GM are teenagers who now own their first Toyota"

Actually the comment says that teenagers who now own their first TOYOTA (not Camry necessarily) regard the Camry as better. There's no question that the Camry is designed for elderly people. They are slow, boring and come only in pastel, muted colors (like most 4-door sedans).

The import fan who makes all the unfounded, wild claims about how "superior" Toyota is is, I believe, a teenager whose first and only vehicle is a used Tacoma truck. That was what the comment had reference to. There has never been any argument that the Camry is an old people's ride.

22nd Sep 2009, 09:38

I bought my teen a bland slow import automatic for this very reason. Sure he would like to drive our Trailblazer SS, 0-60 in 5.5 seconds, but it's too much power at his age.

22nd Sep 2009, 12:10


Where did you get the idea that the person thinks that Corvettes can't compare to Ferraris is a Camry owner?

I assure you that I do not own a Camry. I've never owned a Toyota. I actually own a domestic vehicle, and I can't believe that Corvette owners actually are trying to argue that their cars are better (and better made) than a Ferrari.

22nd Sep 2009, 20:41

21:08 The Camry IS an old people's ride... older people that have experienced consistently-junk Fords and Chevy's and have learned, probably years ago, that Toyota makes the (far) better automobiles. Live and learn.

My grandfather, who is 84, fought in WW II. He drove domestics his whole life, until about 15 years ago when he bought a Camry, after he finally overcame senseless brand loyalty to so-called "American" car companies that sold and STILL sell junk-Fords, GM, and Dodge. He has told me that, although it still feels odd to drive a Japanese car, there is no argument that it's a better vehicle.

He finally just traded his first Camry in for a new Corolla. It only had 125,000 on it, had never been in a garage, and one of the mechanics bought it; it never even made it to the sales lot. My grandfather has also told me that in his 65+ years of driving, his two Toyota's were the ONLY ones that never left so much as a drip of oil on the garage floor, and the ONLY two that never caused him a single problem.

Hopefully, it doesn't take you Ford and Chevy fans as long as it took him to realize that you're driving junk. But, I guess someone has to buy them.